



Still, because the central bank has been injecting liquidity into the banking system and selectively releasing loans to cash-starved small firms, it could be less willing to cut reserves repeatedly. 另外,因为中央银行正在向银行系统注入流动资金以及有选择性的向缺乏现金的小企业发放贷款,央行可能不愿意继续降低准备金率。
Even relatively strong performers in the hedge fund world have recently seen cash-starved investors withdraw funds. 就连表现相对强劲的对冲基金最近也出现了投资者因急缺现金而要求赎回的情况。

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  • 1. Still, because the central bank has been injecting liquidity into the banking system and selectively releasing loans to cash-starved small firms, it could be less willing to cut reserves repeatedly.


  • 2. Even relatively strong performers in the hedge fund world have recently seen cash-starved investors withdraw funds.


  • 3. South Korea's currency, the won, plunged against the dollar as central banks around the world pumped $180 billion worth of cash into credit-starved markets.


ˈcash-starved / ; NAmE / adjective [only before noun ] without enough money, usually because another organization, such as the government, has failed to provide it 资金不足的(尤指因政府等未能提供资金) cash-starved public services 资金匮乏的公共事业 ˈcash-starved / ; NAmE /
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