canonization [,kænənə'zeʃən]  


canonization  [,kænənə'zeʃən]

n. 承认为圣典;追封为圣者 


DOMValidateContext uses a custom URI dereferencer in the previous section to perform XML canonization. DOMValidateContext 使用前面小节中的定制 URI dereferencer 来执行 XML 标准化(canonization)。
The orthodox church consider it essential in considering a person for canonization as a saint, and the Roman Catholic Church consider it as sign of sainthood but not a necessity. 东正教认为,必须考虑将一个人追封为圣人,而罗马天主教会则认为这是圣人的象征,但没有必要进行追封。

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  • n. 承认为圣典;追封为圣者
  • 1. DOMValidateContext uses a custom URI dereferencer in the previous section to perform XML canonization.

    DOMValidateContext 使用前面小节中的定制 URI dereferencer 来执行 XML 标准化(canonization)。

  • 2. The orthodox church consider it essential in considering a person for canonization as a saint, and the Roman Catholic Church consider it as sign of sainthood but not a necessity.


  • 3. “Like many Italian and Chinese Catholics, I have prayed for the canonization of Fr Ricci and his closest Chinese friend Xu Guangqi, who was the first Catholic in Shanghai,” Wu added.


  • canonization (n.) "act of enrolling a beatified person among the saints," late 14c., from Medieval Latin canonizationem (nominative canonizatio), noun of action from past participle stem of canonizare (see canonize). Exclusively the power of the popes since 1179.
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