cabby ['kæbi]  


cabby  ['kæbi]

n. 计程车司机;出租马车的车夫 


Two minutes later the cabby kicked me out of his cab because I stunk. FML 不出两分钟,我被司机赶了下来——因为我太臭了。
However you shuffle them they form the same printed circuit, hieroglyphs converging on a central component: you, standing in the rain, screaming at the cabby. 无论你多么想摆脱这些情景,它们却依然把你围在中间,你和那些场景就像从中心点伸展出的象形文字一样,无法分离。 你,在雨中,朝着那脚踏出租车司机尖叫。

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  • n. 计程车司机;出租马车的车夫
  • 1. Two minutes later the cabby kicked me out of his cab because I stunk. FML


  • 2. However you shuffle them they form the same printed circuit, hieroglyphs converging on a central component: you, standing in the rain, screaming at the cabby.

    无论你多么想摆脱这些情景,它们却依然把你围在中间,你和那些场景就像从中心点伸展出的象形文字一样,无法分离。 你,在雨中,朝着那脚踏出租车司机尖叫。

  • 3. But the host grabbed the bills and initiated a verbal assault upon the cabby, calling him a worthless parasite and a disgrace to their country for trying to overcharge visitors.


cabby ( also cab·bie ) / ˈkæbi ; NAmE ˈkæbi / noun ( plural cabbies ) ( informal) a person who drives a taxi 出租汽车司机;计程车司机 cabby cabbies cabby / ˈkæbi ; NAmE ˈkæbi /
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