buzz off 英 [bʌz ɔf]   美 [bʌz ɔf]

buzz off

buzz off  英 [bʌz ɔf] 美 [bʌz ɔf]

phrase. 匆忙离去 

I told them to buzz off. 我让他们快点走开。
Further, text-based Web sites aren't where the buzz is anymore. The reason blogs took off is that they made publishing easy for non-techies. 更进一步,基于文字的站点已经不再时髦,博客当时受欢迎,是因为它让普通人不费什么力气就能发表自己的文章,只所以轻松,是因为那时不需要使用视频一类的多媒体内容,因为那些东西太难上传,太难播放,也太占带宽。

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  • phrase. 匆忙离去
  • 1. I told them to buzz off.


  • 2. Further, text-based Web sites aren't where the buzz is anymore. The reason blogs took off is that they made publishing easy for non-techies.


  • 3. The right package is your "silent salesperson" and it will create the buzz that will compel consumers to pick your product off the shelf or place an order from the Internet.


ˌbuzz ˈoff
(informal)used to tell sb rudely to go away走开Just buzz off and let me get on with my work.走开,我得继续干活了。
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