bum 英 [bʌm]   美 [bʌm]


bum  英 [bʌm] 美 [bʌm]

n. 流浪汉;屁股;狂欢作乐;能力差的人;嗡嗡声;执达员(等于bumbailiff)  vi. 流浪;靠乞讨过活;发嗡嗡声  vt. 乞讨;闲荡 

进行时:bumming  过去式:bummed  过去分词:bummed  第三人称单数:bums  名词复数:bums 

That was our relationship: I was just a bum to her. 但这就是我们的关系:我对她来说就是一个屁股。
My experiences in unpleasant places have shown me there are worse things than sniffing or saying "bum". 我在不愉快的环境里的阅历,让我明白,比起说“屁股”来,还有更糟糕的东西。

  • Your bum is your bottom, your rear-end, your behind. It can also be a vagrant or hobo, as well as a verb for lazing (bumming) around.
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  • n. 流浪汉;屁股;狂欢作乐;能力差的人;嗡嗡声;执达员(等于bumbailiff)
  • vi. 流浪;靠乞讨过活;发嗡嗡声
  • vt. 乞讨;闲荡
  • adj. 无价值的;劣质的;很不愉快的
  • 1. That was our relationship: I was just a bum to her.


  • 2. My experiences in unpleasant places have shown me there are worse things than sniffing or saying "bum".


  • 3. Sitting around the house day like a bum does nothing.


bum / bʌm ; NAmE bʌm / noun , verb , adjective bum bums bummed bumming noun ( informal) 1 ( BrE) the part of the body that you sit on 屁股 SYN backside , behind SYN bottom 2 ( especially NAmE) a person who has no home or job and who asks other people for money or food 流浪乞丐;无业游民 a beach bum (= sb who spends all their time on the beach, without having a job) 海滨流浪汉 3 a lazy person who does nothing for other people or for society 懒汉;游手好闲者 He's nothing but a no-good bum! 他不过是个没用的懒汉。 IDIOMS bums on ˈseats ( BrE) ( informal) used to refer to the number of people who attend a show, talk, etc, especially when emphasizing the need or desire to attract a large number 观众(或听众)的数量大(尤用于强调吸引大量观众的需要或愿望) They're not bothered about attracting the right audience—they just want bums on seats. 他们不在乎观众是什么样的人,只求卖座。 give sb/get the ˌbum's ˈrush ( informal) ( especially NAmE) to force sb/be forced to leave a place quickly 赶走某人;被撵走 He was soon given the bum's rush from the club. 他很快从俱乐部里被撵了出来。 verb ( -mm- ) 1 bumsth (off sb) ( informal) to get sth from sb by asking 提出要;乞讨 SYN cadge Can I bum a cigarette off you? 给我一根烟好吗? 2 bumsb (out) ( NAmE) ( informal) to make sb feel upset or disappointed 使不安;使灰心 PHRASAL VERB ˌbum aˈround/aˈbout ( informal) to travel around or spend your time with no particular plans (漫无目的地)闲荡,漫游 He bummed around the world for a year. 他在世界各地浪游了一年。 adjective [only before noun ] ( informal) of bad quality; wrong or useless 劣质的;错误的;没用的 He didn't play one bum note. 他一个音也没奏错。 a bum deal (= a situation where you do not get what you deserve or have paid for) 不合算的交易 bum / bʌm ; NAmE bʌm /
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