bullwhip 英 ['bʊlwɪp]   美 ['bʊlwɪp]


bullwhip  英 ['bʊlwɪp] 美 ['bʊlwɪp]

n. 牛鞭效应;粗而长的鞭(旧时赶牛或牲口用的)  vt. 用牛鞭打牲口 


I said I was interested only in his winning, and if I thought it would help I would stand on the doorstep of the Washington Posts headquarters and let him lash me with a bullwhip. 我说,我只希望他获得胜利,如果我认为有帮助的话,我会站在《华盛顿邮报》总部门前的台阶上让他用牛皮鞭子抽我。
"And he almost immediately became a local legend because as a former cowboy," says Huang, "he would walk the most dangerous beats in Chinatown carrying a bullwhip. 黄运特说:“张阿平很快成为当地一个传奇人物,因为他仗着自己当过牛仔,所以即使在唐人街里最危险的路段巡逻,他也只带一把牛鞭。

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  • n. 牛鞭效应;粗而长的鞭(旧时赶牛或牲口用的)
  • vt. 用牛鞭打牲口
  • 1. I said I was interested only in his winning, and if I thought it would help I would stand on the doorstep of the Washington Posts headquarters and let him lash me with a bullwhip.


  • 2. "And he almost immediately became a local legend because as a former cowboy," says Huang, "he would walk the most dangerous beats in Chinatown carrying a bullwhip.


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