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- n. 兄弟
1. He looked to his brother for help.
2. We're brothers.
3. He's my brother.
4. a twin brother
5. an older/younger brother
- brother (n.) Old English broþor, from Proto-Germanic *brothar (source also of Old Norse broðir, Danish broder, Old Frisian brother, Dutch broeder, Old High German bruodar, German Bruder, Gothic bróþar), from PIE root *bhrater-.
brother ★ / ˈbrʌðə(r) ; NAmE ˈbrʌðər / noun , exclamation brother brothers brethren noun ★ in family 家庭 1 ★ a boy or man who has the same mother and father as another person (同父母的)兄,弟 ◆ We're brothers. 我们是亲兄弟。 ◆ He's my brother. 他是我哥哥(或弟弟)。 ◆ an older/younger brother 哥哥;弟弟 ◆ a twin brother 孪生哥哥(或弟弟) ◆ Does she have any brothers and sisters? 她有兄弟姐妹吗? ◆ Edward was the youngest of the Kennedy brothers. 爱德华是肯尼迪弟兄中最小的一个。 ◆ He was like a brother to me (= very close). 他如同我的亲兄弟一样。 ☞see also half-brother , stepbrother other men 其他男性 2 ( plural brothers or old-fashioned brethren ) used for talking to or talking about other male members of an organization or other men who have the same ideas, purpose, etc. as yourself (称男性的共事者或同道)同事,弟兄,伙伴 ◆ We must work together, brothers! 我们必须携手工作,伙计们! ◆ He was greatly respected by his brother officers. 他非常受军官同僚的敬重。 ◆ We must support our weaker brethren. 我们必须支持弱势的同胞。 in religious group 宗教团体 3 ( alsoBrother ) ( plural brethren or brothers ) a male member of a religious group, especially a monk (同一宗教团体的男性)教友;(尤指)修士 ◆ Brother Luke 卢克修士 ◆ The Brethren meet regularly for prayer. 兄弟教会成员定期聚集祈祷。 form of address 称呼 4 ( NAmE) ( informal) used by black people as a form of address for a black man (黑人对黑人男子的称呼) at college/university 大学 5 (in the US) a member of a fraternity(= a club for a group of male students at a college or university) (美国)大学生联谊会成员 exclamation ( old-fashioned) ( especially NAmE) used to express the fact that you are annoyed or surprised (表示生气或吃惊) ◆ Oh brother! 天哪! brother / ˈbrʌðə(r) ; NAmE ˈbrʌðər /
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