broad brush  

broad brush

broad brush 

phrase. 粗枝大叶的,粗线条的 

Mechanize can do more than this, but this short example shows you a broad brush of its capabilities. Mechanize 可以做的不止这些,但是这个简单的例子向您展示了 Mechanize 的大致功能。
Just in case the broad brush strokes on the packaging hadn't got the message across, a strapline, in bold white lettering on the side of the machine, hammered the point home: “Baby carrots. 为了防止包装上的加宽标语没被注意到,机器的侧面——敲击处——特意被漆上了白色的粗体字:“小胡萝卜。

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  • phrase. 粗枝大叶的,粗线条的
  • 1. Mechanize can do more than this, but this short example shows you a broad brush of its capabilities.

    Mechanize 可以做的不止这些,但是这个简单的例子向您展示了 Mechanize 的大致功能。

  • 2. Just in case the broad brush strokes on the packaging hadn't got the message across, a strapline, in bold white lettering on the side of the machine, hammered the point home: “Baby carrots.


  • 3. Then it's time to add wear to the surface. This should mainly be kept along edges but also within large surface areas like the middle of the texture using a broad brush.


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