broad bean 英 [brɔ:d bi:n]   美 [brɔd bin]

broad bean

broad bean  英 [brɔ:d bi:n] 美 [brɔd bin]

phrase. 蚕豆 

名词复数:broad beans 

What is surprising is that in nature plants all flowers, except broad bean flower unique. 令人惊讶的是,在自然界中的所有花类植物中,唯独蚕豆花独树一帜。
But I even more curious is the name the broad bean, how come? 但我更为好奇的是,蚕豆的正名是如何来的?

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  • phrase. 蚕豆
  • 1. What is surprising is that in nature plants all flowers, except broad bean flower unique.


  • 2. But I even more curious is the name the broad bean, how come?


  • 3. See broad bean flowers, I would think that educated youth memorable years.


ˌbroad ˈbean / ; NAmE / ( BrE) ( NAmE ˈfava bean ) noun a type of round, pale green bean.Several broad beansgrow together inside a fat pod. 蚕豆 broad bean broad beans ˌbroad ˈbean / ; NAmE /
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