bring along 英 [briŋ əˈlɔŋ]   美 [brɪŋ əˈlɔŋ]

bring along

bring along  英 [briŋ əˈlɔŋ] 美 [brɪŋ əˈlɔŋ]

phrase. 带来;使……发展 

That will not only assist in subliming the current reporting, but also bring along the totally unexpected new reporting. 这不但有助于升华现有的报道,还可以带来完全出人意料的新报道。
"But if they are projects that are based on mutual benefits and bring along local employment and tax revenue, they will be welcomed, " he said. 他还说:“但是如果项目是基于双方利益基础之上,而且还会给当地带来就业和税收,那么这些项目就会受到欢迎。”

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  • phrase. 带来;使……发展
  • 1. That will not only assist in subliming the current reporting, but also bring along the totally unexpected new reporting.


  • 2. "But if they are projects that are based on mutual benefits and bring along local employment and tax revenue, they will be welcomed, " he said.


  • 3. Although it may not seem so -- after all, these technologies do bring along their own complexities -- they really do make life easier when you consider what they allow you to do.

    尽管表面看起来并非如此 —— 这些技术的确带来了其自身的一些复杂性 —— 但它们的确可以让我们实现一些原来所不能实现的事情,从这个意义上讲,它们确实让人们的生活变得简单和方便了。

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