brilliantly ['briljəntli]  


brilliantly  ['briljəntli]

adv. 灿烂地;辉煌地;光亮地 

The shops were brilliantly lit up. 那些商店灯光明亮。
The square was brilliantly illuminated throughout the night. 广场上彻夜灯火通明。

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  • adv. 灿烂地;辉煌地;光亮地
  • 1. The shops were brilliantly lit up.


  • 2. The square was brilliantly illuminated throughout the night.


  • 3. In this new role I know he will merge Google’s technology and business vision brilliantly.

    在新的岗位上,我认为他能出色地融合 谷歌的技术和商业眼光。

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