boy 英 [bɔɪ]   美 [bɔɪ]


boy  英 [bɔɪ] 美 [bɔɪ]

n. 男孩 


a little/small/young boy 小男孩;小伙子
He's a local boy. 他是本地人。

  • A boy is a male child. When a baby is born, the doctor or midwife often says, "It's a girl!" or "It's a boy!"
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  • n. 男孩
  • 1. a little/small/young boy


  • 2. He's a local boy.


  • 3. They have two boys and a girl.


boy / bɔɪ ; NAmE bɔɪ / noun , exclamation boy boys noun 1 [countable ] a male child or a young male person 男孩;男青年 a little/small/young boy 小男孩;小伙子 I used to play here as a boy. 我小时候常在这里玩。 The older boys at school used to tease him. 学校里大一些的男生过去常常取笑他。 Now she's a teenager, she's starting to be interested in boys. 她现在已经是个十几岁的姑娘了,开始对男孩子感兴趣。 see also old boy , toy boy 2 [countable ] a young son 年少的儿子 They have two boys and a girl. 他们有两个儿子和一个女儿。 Her eldest boy is at college. 她的长子在上大学。 3 [countable ] ( in compounds; offensive when used of an older man 构成复合词;用于年长的男子时含冒犯意 ) a boy or young man who does a particular job 做某工作的男孩(或小伙子);伙计 a delivery boy 报童 see also back-room boys , barrow boy 4 [countable ] a way of talking about sb who comes from a particular place, etc. (指称某地等的人) He's a local boy. 他是本地人。 a city/country boy 城里╱乡下来的人 5 the boys [plural ] ( informal) a group of male friends who often go out together 一帮男伙伴 a night out with the boys 和弟兄们一同消遣的一夜 6 our boys [plural ] a way of talking with affection about your country's soldiers (对本国士兵的昵称)兵哥们,小伙子们 7 [countable ] ( NAmE) ( taboo) used as an offensive way of addressing a black man, especially in the past (尤为旧时不礼貌地称呼黑人男子用)黑仔,小子 IDIOMS the boys in ˈblue ( informal) the police 警察 ˌboys ˌwill be ˈboys ( saying) you should not be surprised when boys or men behave in a noisy or rough way as this is part of typical male behaviour 男孩子总归是男孩子(不必为男孩或男子的吵闹粗野大惊小怪) more at job , man n. , work n. exclamation ( informal) ( especially NAmE) used to express feelings of surprise, pleasure, pain, etc. (表示惊奇、高兴、痛苦等) Boy, it sure is hot! 呵,真够辣的! Oh boy! That's great! 哇!真了不起! boy / bɔɪ ; NAmE bɔɪ /
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