born 英 [bɔ:n]   美 [bɔrn]


born  英 [bɔ:n] 美 [bɔrn]

v. 出世  adj. 天生的 

I was born in 1976. 我生于 1976 年。
She was born with a weak heart. 她生来就有一个衰弱的心脏。

  • When a baby is born, she comes into the world through birth. If you say, "I was born in July," that's the month in which your mother gave birth to you.
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  • v. 出世
  • adj. 天生的
  • 1. I was born in 1976.

    我生于 1976 年。

  • 2. She was born with a weak heart.


  • 3. She was born into a very musical family.


  • 4. Her brother was born blind.


  • 5. French-born


  • 6. a born athlete, a born writer , a born leader


  • born (adj.) Old English boren, alternative past participle of beran (see bear (v.)). "In modern use the connexion with bear is no longer felt; the phrase to be born has become virtually an intr. verb" [OED]. Distinction between born and borne (q.v.) is 17c. From early 14c. as "possessing from birth the character or quality described" (born poet, born loser, etc.). From 1710 as "innate, inherited;" colloquial expression in (one's) born days "in (one's) lifetime" is by 1742.
born / bɔːn ; NAmE bɔːrn / verb , adjective verb be born ( used only in the passive, without by 仅用于被动语态,不用 by ) 1 ( abbr.b. ) to come out of your mother's body at the beginning of your life 出生;出世 I was born in 1976. 我生于 1976 年。 She was born with a weak heart. 她生来就有一个衰弱的心脏。 borninto sth She was born into a very musical family. 她生于音乐之家。 bornof/to sb He was born of/to German parents. 他的生身父母是德国人。 + adj. Her brother was born blind (= was blind when he was born). 她的哥哥先天性失明。 + noun John Wayne was born Marion Michael Morrison (= that was his name at birth). 约翰 · 韦恩出生时取名马里恩 · 迈克尔 · 莫里森。 collocationsat age 2 (of an idea, an organization, a feeling, etc. 思想、机构、感情等 ) to start to exist 出现;形成;成立 the city where the protest movement was born 抗议运动发源的城市 born(out) of sth She acted with a courage born (out) of desperation. 绝望驱使她鼓起勇气,作出行动。 3 -born ( in compounds 构成复合词 ) born in the order, way, place, etc. mentioned 以…的顺序(或方式、地点等)出生的 firstborn 第一个孩子 nobly-born 出身贵族 French-born 法国出生的 see also newborn IDIOMS be ˈborn to be/do sth to have sth as your destiny(= what is certain to happen to you) from birth 注定会成为;注定要做 He was born to be a great composer. 他是个天生的伟大作曲家。 ˌborn and ˈbred born and having grown up in a particular place with a particular background and education (在某地)出生长大;受过…薰陶 He was born and bred in Boston. 他生于波士顿,长于波士顿。 I'm a Londoner, born and bred. 我是个土生土长的伦敦人。 born with a silver ˈspoon in your mouth ( saying) having rich parents 生于富裕之家;出身富裕 in all my born ˈdays ( old-fashioned, informal) used when you are very surprised at sth you have never heard or seen before (表示惊讶)闻所未闻,见所未见 I've never heard such nonsense in all my born days. 我这辈子还从没听说过此等废话呢。 not be born ˈyesterday ( informal) used to say that you are not stupid enough to believe what sb is telling you (表示自己并不傻,不会轻信别人的话) Oh yeah? I wasn't born yesterday, you know. 是吗?我可不是三岁的小孩子,你知道的。 there's one born every ˈminute ( saying) used to say that sb is very stupid 总有那种傻瓜 more at know v. , manner , way n. adjective [only before noun ] having a natural ability or skill for a particular activity or job 天生(有某方面才能)的 a born athlete/writer/leader 天生的运动员╱作家╱领袖 a born loser (= a person who always loses or is unsuccessful) 永远的失败者 born / bɔːn ; NAmE bɔːrn /
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