bootstrap 英 ['buːtstræp]   美 ['bʊt'stræp]


bootstrap  英 ['buːtstræp] 美 ['bʊt'stræp]

n. [计] 引导程序,辅助程序;解靴带 


The bootstrap then loads the Boot Logical Volume (BLV) into memory. 然后,引导程序将启动逻辑卷 (BLV) 加载到内存中。
Because these are trusted system classes, the bootstrap loader skips much of the validation that gets done for normal (untrusted) classes. 因为这些是可信的系统类,所以引导程序装入器跳过了对常规(不可信)类所做的大量验证。

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  • n. [计] 引导程序,辅助程序;解靴带
  • 1. The bootstrap then loads the Boot Logical Volume (BLV) into memory.

    然后,引导程序将启动逻辑卷 (BLV) 加载到内存中。

  • 2. Because these are trusted system classes, the bootstrap loader skips much of the validation that gets done for normal (untrusted) classes.


  • 3. Remember the bootstrap objects we talked about earlier?


  • bootstrap (n.) also boot-strap, tab or loop at the back of the top of a men's boot, which the wearer hooked a finger through to pull the boots on, 1870, from boot (n.1) + strap (n.).
boot·strap / ˈbuːtstræp ; NAmE ˈbuːtstræp / noun IDIOM pull/drag yourself up by your (own) ˈbootstraps ( informal) to improve your situation yourself, without help from other people 自力更生 bootstrap bootstraps bootstrapped bootstrapping boot·strap / ˈbuːtstræp ; NAmE ˈbuːtstræp /
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