body 英 [ˈbɒdi]   美 [ˈbɑdi]


body  英 [ˈbɒdi] 美 [ˈbɑdi]

n. 身体;主要部分 

进行时:bodying  过去式:bodied  过去分词:bodied  第三人称单数:bodies  名词复数:bodies 

a human/female/male/naked body 人╱女性╱男性╱赤裸的身体
parts of the body 身体的部位

  • Your body is everything that makes up your physical self, including your skin, bones, muscles, and organs. Your whole body might hurt after a day spent learning to snowboard.
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  • n. 身体;主要部分
  • 1. a human/female/male/naked body


  • 2. parts of the body


  • 3. His whole body was trembling.


  • 4. He has a large body, but thin legs.


  • 5. a dead body


  • 6. the main body of the text


  • 7. large bodies of water (= lakes or seas)


  • body (n.) Old English bodig "trunk of a man or beast, physical structure of a human or animal; material frame, material existence of a human; main or principal part of anything," related to Old High German botah, but otherwise of unknown origin. Not elsewhere in Germanic, and the word has died out in German (replaced by Leib, originally "life," and Körper, from Latin), "but in English body remains as a great and important word" [OED].
body / ˈbɒdi ; NAmE ˈbɑːdi / noun ( plural bodies ) of person/animal 人;动物 1 [countable ] the whole physical structure of a human or an animal 身体;躯体 a human/female/male/naked body 人╱女性╱男性╱赤裸的身体 parts of the body 身体的部位 His whole body was trembling. 他浑身发抖。 body fat/weight/temperature/size/heat 身体的脂肪;体重;体温;身材;体热 2 [countable ] the main part of a body not including the head, or not including the head, arms and legs 躯干 She had injuries to her head and body. 她的头上和身上都有伤。 He has a large body, but thin legs. 他身宽腿细。 3 [countable ] the body of a dead person or animal 尸体;死尸 a dead body 一具尸体 The family of the missing girl has been called in by the police to identify the body. 失踪女孩的家人已被警察叫来认尸。 main part 主体 4 [singular ] the bodyof sth the main part of sth, especially a building, a vehicle or a book, an article, etc. (尤指建筑、车辆或书、文章等的)主体,主要部份 the body of a plane (= the central part where the seats are) 飞机机身 the main bodyof the text 课文的正文 group of people 集体 5 [countable + singular or plural verb ] a group of people who work or act together, often for an official purpose, or who are connected in some other way 团体;社团;群体 a regulatory/an advisory/a review body 监管/咨询/评审机构 The governing body of the school is/are concerned about discipline. 学校的管理部门很重视纪律问题。 recognized professional bodies such as the Law Association 诸如律师公会之类的获得承认的专业团体 An independent body has been set up to investigate the affair. 已成立了一个独立机构调查这件事。 A large body of people will be affected by the tax cuts. 将有一大批人受到减税的影响。 The protesters marched in a body (= all together)to the White House. 抗议者集体游行到白宫。 a meeting of representatives of the student body and teaching staff 全体学生和教师代表大会 large amount 大量 6 [countable ] bodyof sth a large amount or collection of sth 大量;大批;大堆 a vast body of evidence/information/research 大量证据╱信息╱研究 large bodies of water (= lakes or seas) 大片水域 There is a powerful body of opinion against the ruling. 裁决引起一片哗然。 object 物体 7 [countable ] ( formal) an object 物体 heavenly bodies (= stars, planets, etc.) 天体(恒星、行星等) an operation to remove a foreign body (= sth that would not usually be there)from a wound 清除伤口异物的手术 of drink/hair 饮料;头发 8 [uncountable ] the full strong flavour of alcoholic drinks or the thick healthy quality of sb's hair (酒的)浓香,香醇;(头发的)浓密 a wine with plenty of body 浓郁香醇的葡萄酒 Regular use of conditioner is supposed to give your hair more body. 经常使用护发素能使头发更浓密。 -bodied 有…躯体、浓郁味道等 9 ( in adjectives 构成形容词 ) having the type of body mentioned 有…的身体(或浓郁味道等)的 full-bodied red wines 醇厚的红葡萄酒 soft-bodied insects 软体昆虫 see also able-bodied clothing 衣服 10 [countable ] ( BrE) ( NAmE body·suit ) a piece of clothing which fits tightly over a woman's upper body and bottom, usually fastening between the legs 女紧身衣(通常扣于两腿间) IDIOMS body and ˈsoul with all your energy 竭尽全力;全心全意 She committed herself body and soul to fighting for the cause. 她全心全意为这一事业而奋斗。 keep body and ˈsoul together to stay alive with just enough of the food, clothing, etc. that you need 勉强糊口;生活拮据 SYN survive They barely have enough money to keep body and soul together. 他们仅有活命的钱。 more at bone n. , dead adj. , sell v. VOCABULARY BUILDING 词汇扩充 Actions expressing emotions 表达情感的动作 Often parts of the body are closely linked to particular verbs. The combination of the verb and part of the body expresses an emotion or attitude. 身体部位常与某些动词紧密相连,搭配运用可表达特定的情感或态度。 action part of body you are… bite lips nervous clench fist angry, aggressive click fingers trying to remember sth click tongue annoyed drum/tap fingers impatient hang head ashamed lick lips anticipating sth good, nervous nod head agreeing purse lips disapproving raise eyebrows enquiring, surprised scratch head puzzled shake head disagreeing shrug shoulders doubtful, indifferent stamp foot angry wrinkle nose feeling dislike or distaste wrinkle forehead puzzled For example 比如: She bit her lip nervously. 她紧张地咬嘴唇。 He scratched his head and looked thoughtful. 他挠着头显出一副深思的表情。 I wrinkled my nose in disgust. 我厌恶地皱起鼻子。 She raised questioning eyebrows. 她扬起眉毛表示怀疑。 body bodies bodied bodying body / ˈbɒdi ; NAmE ˈbɑːdi /
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