bobby pin  

bobby pin

bobby pin 

n. 发夹 

名词复数:bobby pins 

When no one’s looking, pop open the control-panel hatch with a paper clip or bobby pin. 没人注意的时候,用纸夹或发夹迅速打开控制板。
Pin the parted hair between the middle of the ear and the nape of the neck with a bobby pin or hair clip. 用尖尾梳从两耳上部向中间挑起脑顶的头发,与剩下的部分分为两个区,做出一个公主头,用发卡别住上面分好区的头发。

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  • n. 发夹
  • 1. When no one’s looking, pop open the control-panel hatch with a paper clip or bobby pin.


  • 2. Pin the parted hair between the middle of the ear and the nape of the neck with a bobby pin or hair clip.


  • 3. The locks on the cases are a joke; I pop themwith a bobby pin I find next to the cash register, and help myself.


  • bobby pin (n.) 1928, from diminutive of bob (n.2) + pin (n.).
ˈbobby pin / ; NAmE / ( NAmE) ( BrE hair·grip , grip , kirby grip ) noun a small thin piece of metal or plastic folded in the middle, used by women for holding their hair in place 发夹 compare hairpin  (1 ) ˈbobby pin / ; NAmE /
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