boastful 英 [ˈbəʊstfl]   美 [ˈboʊstfl]


boastful  英 [ˈbəʊstfl] 美 [ˈboʊstfl]

adj. 自夸的;自负的;喜夸耀的 

I'm not being boastful.  我不是在吹牛。
He labeled the boastful man a liar.  他把那个好自夸的男人称作说谎者.

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  • adj. 自夸的;自负的;喜夸耀的
  • 1. I'm not being boastful.


  • 2. He labeled the boastful man a liar.


  • 3. I tried to emphasize my good points without sounding boastful.


  • boastful (adj.) "given to boasting," early 14c., from boast (n.) + -ful. Related: Boastfully; boastfulness.
boast·ful / ˈbəʊstfl ; NAmE ˈboʊstfl / adjective ( disapproving) talking about yourself in a very proud way 自吹自擂的;自夸的 I tried to emphasize my good points without sounding boastful. 我在强调自己的优点时尽量不让人觉得是在自我吹嘘。 boast·ful / ˈbəʊstfl ; NAmE ˈboʊstfl /
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