blankness ['blæŋknɪs]  


blankness  ['blæŋknɪs]

n. 空白;空虚;单调 


But you can feel the weight of what he’s been through in his blankness, his emptied-out eyes. 但你可以在他的茫然中,在他空洞的双眼里,感受到他所经历过的心头重压。
What if, when he had bidden May Welland to open hers, they could only look out blankly at blankness? 假如他让梅·韦兰睁开眼睛,她只能茫然地看到一片空白,那该怎么办呢?

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  • n. 空白;空虚;单调
  • 1. But you can feel the weight of what he’s been through in his blankness, his emptied-out eyes.


  • 2. What if, when he had bidden May Welland to open hers, they could only look out blankly at blankness?


  • 3. There is a blankness in his gaze that hints at the scars his childhood and Guantánamo have left on him.


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