birder ['bɝdɚ]  


birder  ['bɝdɚ]

n. 猎鸟者 


A true “birder” actively observes and studies different birds in order to see new species and to learn more about their behavior, habitats and personalities. 一个真正的“鸟人”会积极地观察学习不同鸟种以看到更多的新种并了解更多鸟类行为、栖息地和个性特征。
This is the easiest type of birder to be, because birding in the backyard does not necessarily require specialized equipment beyond a general field guide and a basic set of binoculars. 这是最容易入道的一种“鸟人”,因为在后园里观鸟不需要专门的装备,只要有一本通用的观鸟指南和一架基本的双筒望远镜即可。

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  • n. 猎鸟者
  • 1. A true “birder” actively observes and studies different birds in order to see new species and to learn more about their behavior, habitats and personalities.


  • 2. This is the easiest type of birder to be, because birding in the backyard does not necessarily require specialized equipment beyond a general field guide and a basic set of binoculars.


  • 3. Use Proper Supplies: Every birder knows they need a good field guide and the right optics to see the birds, but summer birding requires some additional equipment.


  • birder (n.) "bird-watcher," 1945, from bird (n.1) + -er (1). Earlier it meant "bird-catcher" (late 15c.).
bird·er / ˈbɜːdə(r) ; NAmE ˈbɜːrdər / ( informal) = birdwatcher compare ornithologist birder birders bird·er / ˈbɜːdə(r) ; NAmE ˈbɜːrdər /
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