bird-watcher 英 ['bɜ:dw'ɒtʃər]   美 ['bɜdw'ɒtʃər]


bird-watcher  英 ['bɜ:dw'ɒtʃər] 美 ['bɜdw'ɒtʃər]

phrase. 野鸟观察家 


Probably just a hiker or a bird-watcher, Jesse figured, that or some punk looking to poach someone's marijuana, not knowing the ginseng was worth even more. 也许只是一个徒步旅行者或者观鸟人,杰希推测到。 或许是一些小流氓想要偷一些别人的大麻,而不知道人参要更值钱。
I've never been a bird-watcher in the hobby sense of the word but last summer I took a special liking to a little blue jay that came by our place every morning. 我从来没有把观鸟发展成一门兴趣爱好,但是去年夏天我对每天来我们家的小蓝松鸦有着一种特殊的喜爱。

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  • phrase. 野鸟观察家
  • 1. Probably just a hiker or a bird-watcher, Jesse figured, that or some punk looking to poach someone's marijuana, not knowing the ginseng was worth even more.

    也许只是一个徒步旅行者或者观鸟人,杰希推测到。 或许是一些小流氓想要偷一些别人的大麻,而不知道人参要更值钱。

  • 2. I've never been a bird-watcher in the hobby sense of the word but last summer I took a special liking to a little blue jay that came by our place every morning.


  • 3. Buddy spends time with Laura Giganotosaurus, a large dinosaur who always rides the Dinosaur Train and, like Buddy, is a three-toed theropod! Buddy also discovers that Laura is an avid bird-watcher.


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