biotechnology 英 [ˌbaɪəʊtekˈnɒlədʒi]   美 [ˌbaɪoʊtekˈnɑlədʒi]


biotechnology  英 [ˌbaɪəʊtekˈnɒlədʒi] 美 [ˌbaɪoʊtekˈnɑlədʒi]

n. [生物] 生物技术;[生物] 生物工艺学 


Moreover, the Organization emphasizes the need to ensure that the prospective benefits of biotechnology in agriculture are shared by all people, rather than a select few. 此外,粮农组织强调,必须确保生物技术用于农业产生的可能收益应当由所有人民共享,而不应为少数人独占。
We have the manpower to play active roles in the deployment of biotechnology for food security and nuclear technology for power generation, but where is the policy to guide the process? 我们拥有积极参与促进粮食保障的生物技术以及用于发电的核技术的发展的人力,但是指导这个过程的政策在哪里?

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  • n. [生物] 生物技术;[生物] 生物工艺学
  • 1. Moreover, the Organization emphasizes the need to ensure that the prospective benefits of biotechnology in agriculture are shared by all people, rather than a select few.


  • 2. We have the manpower to play active roles in the deployment of biotechnology for food security and nuclear technology for power generation, but where is the policy to guide the process?


  • 3. The applications of this enabling technology are enormous and one might argue this is a key step in the industrialisation of synthetic biology leading to a new era of biotechnology.

    这项技术可应用的范围是巨大的。 我们可以认为,这是合成生物学走向工业化生产所迈出的关键一步,引领了生物技术的新纪元。

  • biotechnology (n.) also bio-technology, 1947, "use of machinery in relation to human needs;" from 1964 in sense of "use of biological processes in industrial production," from bio- + technology.
bio·tech·nol·ogy / ˌbaɪəʊtekˈnɒlədʒi ; NAmE ˌbaɪoʊtekˈnɑːlədʒi / ( also informal bio·tech / ˈbaɪəʊtek ; NAmE ˈbaɪoʊtek / ) noun [uncountable ] ( technical 术语 ) the use of living cells and bacteria in industrial and scientific processes 生物技术 bio·tech·no·logic·al / ˌbaɪəʊteknəˈlɒdʒɪkl ; NAmE ˌbaɪoʊteknəˈlɑːdʒɪkl / biotechnological research 生物科技研究 COLLOCATIONS 词语搭配 Biotechnology 生物技术 GM crops: for 支持转基因作物 face/suffer from/alleviatefood shortages 面临/遭受/缓解食物短缺 begin/do/conductfield trials of GM crops 开始/进行/实施转基因作物的田间试验 grow/developGM crops/seeds/plants/foods 种植/研发转基因作物/种子/植物/食物 improve/increasefood security/crop yields 提高/增加食品安全/粮食产量 labelfood that contains GMOs (= genetically modified organisms) 给含有转基因生物的食物贴上标签 fund/invest ingenetic engineering/research 资助/投资基因工程/研究 promote/support/be in favour ofGM food/GM crops/genetic engineering 推广/支持/赞同转基因食物/转基因作物/基因工程 embracebiotechnology/GM technology 欣然接受生物技术/转基因技术 GM crops: against 反对转基因作物 oppose/be againstGM technology/food/crops/trials 反对/不赞成转基因技术/食品/作物/试验 call for/introduce/imposea ban on genetic modification/a moratorium on the release of GMOs 呼吁/开始实施/强行禁止基因改造/暂停转基因生物上市 ban/prohibit/outlawthe use of pesticides/chemical fertilizers/GMOs/so-called ‘Frankenfoods’ 明令禁止使用杀虫剂/化肥/转基因生物/所谓的“弗兰肯斯坦食物” stop/halt/wreck/destroyGM crop trials 停止/中止/破坏转基因作物试验 promote/support/be in favour oforganic farming 促进/支持/赞成有机农业 Biotechnology in medicine: for 支持生物医学技术 grow/obtain/harvesthuman organs/stem cells from human embryos 从人类胚胎中培育/获取/采集人类器官/干细胞 transplantorgans/genes/tissue/cells (into mice/animals/embryos) 移植器官/基因/组织/细胞(给老鼠/动物/胚胎) usebiotechnology/gene therapy to treat/repair/cure sth 应用生物技术/基因疗法来治疗/修复/治愈某种疾病 fund/invest in/ promote/support/be in favour of(embryonic) stem cell research 资助/投资于/促进/支持/赞同(胚胎)干细胞研究 successfully clone/succeed in cloninga sheep/a human embryo/a human being 成功克隆羊/人类胚胎/人 Biotechnology in medicine: against 反对生物医学技术 create/produce‘designer babies’ 制造“订制婴儿” consider/explore/addressthe ethical issues raised by/related to/surrounding sth 研究/探究/论及由…引起/与…相关的道德问题 oppose/be againsthuman cloning/stem cell research 反对人体克隆/干细胞研究 call for/introduce/imposea ban on human cloning/a moratorium on xenotransplantation 呼吁/开始实施/强行禁止人类克隆/暂停异种移植 ban/prohibit/outlawhuman cloning/stem cell research/xenotransplantation 明令禁止人类克隆/干细胞研究/异种移植 biotechnology biotechnologies bio·tech·nol·ogy / ˌbaɪəʊtekˈnɒlədʒi ; NAmE ˌbaɪoʊtekˈnɑːlədʒi / bio·tech / ˈbaɪəʊtek ; NAmE ˈbaɪoʊtek / bio·tech·no·logic·al / ˌbaɪəʊteknəˈlɒdʒɪkl ; NAmE ˌbaɪoʊteknəˈlɑːdʒɪkl /
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