bindweed 英 [ˈbaɪndwi:d]   美 [ˈbaɪndˌwid]


bindweed  英 [ˈbaɪndwi:d] 美 [ˈbaɪndˌwid]

n. 旋花类的植物 


Among the creeping buttercup, cleavers, bindweed and ground elder emerged long-necked and peony poppies, blackberry, columbine, and a wild grass tuft of particular appeal to our cat. 在匍枝毛茛、猪殃殃、田旋花和羊角芹中间,长杆罂粟、牡丹罂粟、黑莓、耧斗菜还有一小丛我们家猫特别青睐的野草冒了出来。
Then Our Lady plucked a little white flower with red stripes, called field bindweed, which looks very like a glass, and gave it to the waggoner. 于是圣母摘下了一朵带红条的小白花,给了马车夫,这花叫野旋花,很像一只玻璃杯。

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  • n. 旋花类的植物
  • 1. Among the creeping buttercup, cleavers, bindweed and ground elder emerged long-necked and peony poppies, blackberry, columbine, and a wild grass tuft of particular appeal to our cat.


  • 2. Then Our Lady plucked a little white flower with red stripes, called field bindweed, which looks very like a glass, and gave it to the waggoner.


  • 3. The flexible twining or climbing stem of certain plants, such as the hop, woodbine , or bindweed.

    细长柔韧的枝或嫩条(尤指柳或一些藤茎植物), 用于枝编工艺。

bind·weed / ˈbaɪndwiːd ; NAmE ˈbaɪndwiːd / noun [uncountable ] a wild plant that twists itself around other plants 旋花类植物 bindweed bindweeds bind·weed / ˈbaɪndwiːd ; NAmE ˈbaɪndwiːd /
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