big top 英 [biɡ tɔp]   美 [bɪɡ tɑp]

big top

big top  英 [biɡ tɔp] 美 [bɪɡ tɑp]

phrase. 马戏团生活;马戏团的主帐篷 

名词复数:big tops 

Roll up, roll up to the Oz-Bus big top, as 26 knackered travellers pull off rucksacks and bags. 大家来买票,来买票,看欧兹巴士大马戏团,26个疲惫不堪的旅行者放下行囊来。
In 1976 Mark, partnering with his dad, took over a variety store in nearby Ardsley. Named The big top, the shop catered to commuters riding in and out of Manhattan. 1976年马克跟他父亲合伙,在阿兹利附近开了间名叫“顶呱呱”的杂货店,用来满足来往于曼哈顿的乘客的需要。

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  • phrase. 马戏团生活;马戏团的主帐篷
  • 1. Roll up, roll up to the Oz-Bus big top, as 26 knackered travellers pull off rucksacks and bags.


  • 2. In 1976 Mark, partnering with his dad, took over a variety store in nearby Ardsley. Named The big top, the shop catered to commuters riding in and out of Manhattan.


  • 3. At least Sarkozy's return to the diplomatic big top will generate the kind of press attention capable of momentarily distracting the French public from the grim scene at home.

    至少萨尔科奇重返外交大帐篷(Big Top)将引发新闻界的注意,暂时转移法国公众对国内严峻形势的注意力。

ˌbig ˈtop / ; NAmE / ( usuallythe big top ) noun the large tent in which a circusgives performances (马戏团演出用的)大帐篷 ˌbig ˈtop / ; NAmE /
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