- A bib is a small piece of fabric that's tied under a baby's chin to keep food or milk from staining her clothes. If you feed a toddler without using a bib, you'll quickly learn how useful it can be.
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- n. 围嘴,围涎;围裙的上部
- vi. 饮酒,不断地饮酒
- vt. 不断地饮,大量喝酒
1. I fed milk to her again but she slobbered it on her bib.
2. It evaluates to a number -- the number of distinct publishers in the bib.xml document.
它通过运算获得一个数字 —— bib.xml,即文档中不同出版商的数量。
3. On a beautiful warm day, Madeleine showered, shaved her legs with extra care, and put on her first spring dress: an apple-green baby-doll dress with a bib collar and a high hem.
bib / bɪb ; NAmE bɪb / noun 1 a piece of cloth or plastic that you put under a baby's chin to protect its clothes while it is eating 围嘴;围兜 2 ( especially BrE) a piece of cloth or plastic with a number or special colours on it that people wear on their chests and backs when they are taking part in a sport, so that people know who they are (运动员佩戴的)号码布,彩色身分标记 IDIOM your best bib and ˈtucker ( humorous) your best clothes that you only wear on special occasions (个人)最漂亮的衣服 bib bibs bibbed bibbing bib / bɪb ; NAmE bɪb /
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