below 英 [bɪˈləʊ]   美 [bɪˈloʊ]


below  英 [bɪˈləʊ] 美 [bɪˈloʊ]

adv. 在下面,  prep. 在…下面 

below the table 在桌子下边
He dived below the surface of the water. 他潜入了水中。

  • Something that's below is underneath. If your kite is flying below your brother's, it means his kite is above, or higher than, yours.
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  • adv. 在下面,
  • prep. 在…下面
  • 1. below the table


  • 2. He dived below the surface of the water.


  • 3. Please do not write below this line.


  • 4. Skirts will be worn below the knee.


  • 5. Her work was well below average for the class.


  • 6. They live on the floor below.


  • 7. See below for references.


  • below (adv.) "in a lower position," early 14c., biloogh, from be- "by, about" + logh, lou, lowe "low" (see low (adj.)). Apparently a variant of earlier a-lowe (influenced by other adverbs in be-; see before), the parallel form to an-high (now on high).
below / bɪˈləʊ ; NAmE bɪˈloʊ / preposition , adverb preposition 1 at or to a lower level or position than sb/sth 在(或到)…下面 He dived below the surface of the water. 他潜入了水中。 Please do not write below this line. 请不要在这条线下面书写。 Skirts will be worn below (= long enough to cover)the knee. 穿裙子要过膝。 2 of a lower amount or standard than sb/sth (数量)少于;(标准)低于 The temperatures remained below freezing all day. 气温一整天都保持在冰点以下。 Her work was well below average for the class. 她的功课远在班上的中等水平以下。 3 of a lower rank or of less importance than sb/sth (级别、重要性)低于 A police sergeant is below an inspector. 巡佐的级别低于巡官。 adverb 1 at or to a lower level, position or place 在(或到)下面 They live on the floor below. 他们住在下一层楼。 I could still see the airport buildings far below. 我还能远远地看到下方的机场建筑。 See below (= at the bottom of the page)for references. 见本页末参考资料。 The passengers who felt seasick stayed below (= on a lower deck). 晕船的乘客待在下层客舱。 2 (of a temperature 温度 ) lower than zero 零度以下 The thermometer had dropped to a record 40 below (= −40 degrees). 温度计降到了零下 40 度的纪录。 3 at a lower rank 下级 This ruling applies to the ranks of Inspector and below. 这项规定适用于巡官及以下人员。 below / bɪˈləʊ ; NAmE bɪˈloʊ /
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