beg 英 [beg]   美 [bɛɡ]


beg  英 [beg] 美 [bɛɡ]

vt. 乞讨;恳求; 

进行时:begging  过去式:begged  过去分词:begged  第三人称单数:begs  名词复数:begs 

They begged him for help. 他们向他求援。
She begged permission to leave. 她请求允许她离开。

  • To beg is to ask for something in an earnest, pleading way. You might beg your roommates to be quiet if you're desperately trying to get some sleep.
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  • vt. 乞讨;恳求;
  • 1. They begged him for help.


  • 2. She begged permission to leave.


  • 3. Give me one more chance,’ he begged .


  • 4. She begged him not to go.


  • 5. a begging letter


  • 6. The children were begging for food.


  • 7. beg a meal from the cafe owner.


beg / beɡ ; NAmE beɡ / verb ( -gg- ) 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to ask sb for sth especially in an anxious way because you want or need it very much 恳求;祈求;哀求 beg(for sth) He wants to see them beg for mercy. 他想亲眼看着他们求饶。 begsb (for sth) They begged him for help. 他们向他求援。 begsth (of/from sb) She begged permission to leave. 她请求允许她离开。 I managed to beg a lift from a passing motorist. 我设法求得一位开车路过的人让我搭车。 beg(sb) + speech ‘Give me one more chance,’ he begged (her). “再给我一次机会吧。”他恳求(她)道。 begsb to do sth She begged him not to go. 她求他别离开。 begto do sth He begged to be told the truth. 他请求把真相告诉他。 begthat… ( formal) She begged that she be allowed to go. 她请求让她离开。 ( BrE also) She begged that she should be allowed to go. 她请求让她离开。 begof sb ( formal) Don't leave me here, I beg of you! 别把我扔在这儿,求求你! 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to ask sb for money, food, etc, especially in the street 乞讨;行乞 London is full of homeless people begging in the streets. 伦敦的街头到处都是无家可归的乞丐。 a begging letter (= one that asks sb for money) (要钱的)求援信 begfor sth (from sb) The children were begging for food. 那些孩子在讨饭。 begsth (from sb) We managed to beg a meal from the cafe owner. 我们设法向咖啡馆老板讨了一顿饭。 3 [intransitive ] if a dog begs,it sits on its back legs with its front legs in the air, waiting to be given sth (狗蹲坐在后腿上将前腿抬起)等食物 IDIOMS beg ˈleave to do sth ( formal) to ask sb for permission to do sth 请求准许做某事 be going ˈbegging ( BrE) ( informal) if sth is going begging,it is available because nobody else wants it 无人问津;没人要 beg sb's ˈpardon ( formal) ( especially BrE) to ask sb to forgive you for sth you have said or done 请人原谅;向人道歉 beg the ˈquestion 1 to make sb want to ask a question that has not yet been answered 令人置疑;引起疑问 All of which begs the question as to who will fund the project. 所有这一切都令人想到究竟由谁来投资该工程的问题。 2 to talk about sth as if it were definitely true, even though it might not be 想当然 These assumptions beg the question that children learn languages more easily than adults. 这些假设想当然地认为儿童比成年人学习语言容易。 I beg to differ used to say politely that you do not agree with sth that has just been said 很抱歉,我不敢苟同 I beg your pardon 1 ( formal) used to tell sb that you are sorry for sth you have said or done 请原谅;对不起 I beg your pardon, I thought that was my coat. 对不起,我还以为那是我的外衣呢。 2 used to ask sb to repeat what they have just said because you did not hear (未听清楚)请再说一遍 ‘It's on Duke Street.’ ‘I beg your pardon.’ ‘Duke Street.’ “在公爵大街上。”“请再说一遍。”“公爵大街。” 3 ( especially BrE) used to tell sb that you are offended by what they have just said or by the way that they have said it (感到被冒犯时说) ‘Just go away.’ ‘I beg your pardon!’ “走开。”“有你这样说话的吗!” PHRASAL VERB ˌbeg ˈoff to say that you are unable to do sth that you have agreed to do 推辞(已答应做的事);反悔 He's always begging off at the last minute. 他总是在最后一分钟反悔。 beg begs begged begging beg / beɡ ; NAmE beɡ /
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