beetroot 英 [ˈbi:tru:t]   美 [ˈbitˌrut, -ˌrʊt]


beetroot  英 [ˈbi:tru:t] 美 [ˈbitˌrut, -ˌrʊt]

n. 甜菜的根 


"Flat is ideal for growing beetroot, raising cows or building straight roads, but it's a catastrophe from a sports point-of-view," he wrote. “平坦对于种植甜菜,饲养母牛,或者建设平直的马路很是方便,但是从运动的观点看那却是一个灾难。”他写道。
Seedlings of parsnip, carrot, beetroot and radish must fight off slugs, and weeds also need checking, hoeing them as they grow, to leave the pests nowhere to hide. 牛蒡苗、胡萝卜苗,甜菜根苗和萝卜苗必须除蛞蝓(俗称鼻涕虫 类似蜗牛的无硬壳动物),杂草也需要检查,发现了就要及时铲除,让害虫无处藏身。

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  • n. 甜菜的根
  • 1. "Flat is ideal for growing beetroot, raising cows or building straight roads, but it's a catastrophe from a sports point-of-view," he wrote.


  • 2. Seedlings of parsnip, carrot, beetroot and radish must fight off slugs, and weeds also need checking, hoeing them as they grow, to leave the pests nowhere to hide.

    牛蒡苗、胡萝卜苗,甜菜根苗和萝卜苗必须除蛞蝓(俗称鼻涕虫 类似蜗牛的无硬壳动物),杂草也需要检查,发现了就要及时铲除,让害虫无处藏身。

  • 3. And the South African health ministry has supported the use of beetroot, lemons and garlic to treat HIV.


beet·root / ˈbiːtruːt ; NAmE ˈbiːtruːt / ( BrE) ( NAmE beet ) noun [uncountable ,  countable ] a plant with a round dark red root that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable 甜菜;甜菜根 beetroot beetroots beet·root / ˈbiːtruːt ; NAmE ˈbiːtruːt /
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