beauty contest 英 [ˈbju:ti kənˈtest]   美 [ˈbjuti ˈkɑnˌtɛst]

beauty contest

beauty contest  英 [ˈbju:ti kənˈtest] 美 [ˈbjuti ˈkɑnˌtɛst]

phrase. 选美比赛 

Yes. I have to prepare for the beauty contest next week. 是啊.我要为下周的选美比赛做准备.
And an elephant beauty pageant gave salt to this three-day festival, with elephant Chanchalkali declared the winner of the beauty contest. 此外,一场“大象选美比赛”也为三天的节日增色不少,其中一头名为朱古托纳的大象摘得选美桂冠。

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  • phrase. 选美比赛
  • 1. Yes. I have to prepare for the beauty contest next week.


  • 2. And an elephant beauty pageant gave salt to this three-day festival, with elephant Chanchalkali declared the winner of the beauty contest.


  • 3. He was a judge at the beauty contest.


ˈbeauty contest / ; NAmE / noun ( BrE) 1 a competition to choose the most beautiful from a group of women 选美比赛 compare pageant  (2 ) 2 ( US ˌbeauty paˈrade ) an occasion on which several competing companies or people try to persuade sb to use their services “选美式”竞争(指互相竞争的公司或个人为说服某人采用其服务而举行的展示活动) ˈbeauty contest / ; NAmE /
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