beauty 英 [ˈbju:ti]   美 [ˈbjuti]


beauty  英 [ˈbju:ti] 美 [ˈbjuti]

n. 美;美丽;美人;美好的东西 


Her beauty captured him. 她的美貌迷住了他。
She is a regular beauty. 她是一个十足的美人。

  • Ah, beauty. Anything that has it pleases the senses, like a delicious scent, a perfect piece of pie, or a gorgeous person walking by.
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  • n. 美;美丽;美人;美好的东西
  • 1. Her beauty captured him.


  • 2. She is a regular beauty.


  • 3. a woman of great beauty


  • 4. She had been a beauty in her day.


  • 5. We shall never forget the beauty of that lake.


  • beauty (n.) early 14c., bealte, "physical attractiveness," also "goodness, courtesy," from Anglo-French beute, Old French biauté "beauty, seductiveness, beautiful person" (12c., Modern French beauté), earlier beltet, from Vulgar Latin bellitatem (nominative bellitas) "state of being pleasing to the senses" (source also of Spanish beldad, Italian belta), from Latin bellus "pretty, handsome, charming," in classical Latin used especially of women and children, or ironically or insultingly of men, perhaps from PIE *dw-en-elo-, diminutive of root *deu- (2) "to do, perform; show favor, revere." Famously defined by Stendhal as la promesse de bonheur "the promise of happiness."
beauty / ˈbjuːti ; NAmE ˈbjuːti / noun ( plural beauties ) 1 [uncountable ] the quality of being pleasing to the senses or to the mind 美;美丽 the beauty ofthe sunset/of poetry/of his singing 落日╱诗作╱他的歌声之美 a woman of great beauty 大美人 The woods were designated an area of outstanding natural beauty. 这片森林被划定为超级自然美景区。 beauty products/treatment (= intended to make a person more beautiful) 美容产品;美容 2 [countable ] a person or thing that is beautiful 美人;美好的东西 She had been a beauty in her day. 她年轻时是个美人。 3 [countable ] an excellent example of its type 极好的榜样;典型的例子 That last goal was a beauty! 最后进的一球真绝! 4 [countable ] a pleasing feature 好处;优点 SYN advantage One of the beauties of living here is that it's so peaceful. 在这里生活的好处之一是安宁。 The project will require very little work to start up; that's the beauty of it. 这项工程几乎不需要启动工作,好就好在这里。 IDIOMS beauty is in the eye of the ˈbeholder ( saying) people all have different ideas about what is beautiful 情人眼里出西施;对美的判别因人而异 beauty is only skin-ˈdeep ( saying) how a person looks is less important than their character 美貌不过一张皮;貌美不如心灵美 beauty beauties beauty / ˈbjuːti ; NAmE ˈbjuːti /
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