batterer ['bætərə]  


batterer  ['bætərə]

n. 虐妻者;虐待家属者 


Clause 5(5) makes provision for an injunction requiring the respondent to participate in some form of therapeutic 'batterer intervention programme'. 《条例草案》第5(5) 条作出了强制令的规定,要求答辩人参与某种形式的「施虐者辅导计划」治疗。
The reason why the batterer is likely to be hands-on "under panic", but the calm of the users can not make the right to judge right and wrong, it is of concern. 打人者之所以动手很可能是“情急之下”,但本该冷静的网友们却不能做出正确的是非判断,却是让人担忧的。

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  • n. 虐妻者;虐待家属者
  • 1. Clause 5(5) makes provision for an injunction requiring the respondent to participate in some form of therapeutic 'batterer intervention programme'.

    《条例草案》第5(5) 条作出了强制令的规定,要求答辩人参与某种形式的「施虐者辅导计划」治疗。

  • 2. The reason why the batterer is likely to be hands-on "under panic", but the calm of the users can not make the right to judge right and wrong, it is of concern.


  • 3. The use of scale can redeem the research's observation and analysis, thus, want to evaluation the batterer's change, clinical worker can use URICA-DV scale as a objective tool.


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