barren 英 [ˈbærən]   美 [ˈbærən]


barren  英 [ˈbærən] 美 [ˈbærən]

adj. 贫瘠的;不生育的;无益的;无效果的  n. 荒地 


a barren desert 不毛的沙漠
a barren landscape  寸草不生的荒凉景色

  • Drive through a forest that's just been destroyed by a fire, and you'll get an idea of what barren means — stripped of vegetation and devoid of life.
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  • adj. 贫瘠的;不生育的;无益的;无效果的
  • n. 荒地
  • 1. a barren desert


  • 2. a barren landscape


  • 3. The team will come through this barren patch and start to win again.


  • barren (adj.) c. 1200, "incapable of producing its kind" (of female animals, plants), from Old French baraigne, baraing "sterile, barren" (12c.), perhaps originally brahain, of obscure derivation, perhaps from a Germanic language. Use in reference to males is rare. Of land, "producing little or no vegetation," late 14c.
bar·ren / ˈbærən ; NAmE ˈbærən / adjective 1 (of land or soil 土地或土壤 ) not good enough for plants to grow on it 贫瘠的;不毛的 a barren desert 不毛的沙漠 a barren landscape (= one that is empty, with few plants) 寸草不生的荒凉景色 2 (of plants or trees 花草树木 ) not producing fruit or seeds 不结果实的 SYN infertile 3 ( old-fashioned or formal) (of women or female animals 女人或雌性动物 ) not able to produce children or young animals 不育的;不孕的 SYN infertile 4 [usually before noun ] not producing anything useful or successful 无益的;无效果的 The team will come through this barren patchand start to win again. 这个队将会在经历这段低潮时期之后再创佳绩。 bar·ren·ness / ˈbærənnəs ; NAmE ˈbærənnəs / noun [uncountable ] barren barrener barrenest bar·ren / ˈbærən ; NAmE ˈbærən / bar·ren·ness / ˈbærənnəs ; NAmE ˈbærənnəs /
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