barking ['bɑ:kiŋ]  


barking  ['bɑ:kiŋ]

n. 狗叫声;[木] 剥皮,去皮  v. 吠(bark的ing形式);厉声说出 


They growl, and they whine, but no barking. 它们只是嚎叫、哀鸣,但并不吠叫。
They could hear Nana barking, and John whimpered, "It is because he is chaining her up in the yard, " but Wendy was wiser. 他们听得见娜娜的吠声,约翰呜咽着说:“这都是因为他把她拴在院子里了。” 可是温迪知道得更多。

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  • n. 狗叫声;[木] 剥皮,去皮
  • v. 吠(bark的ing形式);厉声说出
  • 1. They growl, and they whine, but no barking.


  • 2. They could hear Nana barking, and John whimpered, "It is because he is chaining her up in the yard, " but Wendy was wiser.

    他们听得见娜娜的吠声,约翰呜咽着说:“这都是因为他把她拴在院子里了。” 可是温迪知道得更多。

  • 3. He put the phone down, grabbed his coat from the back of the chair and ran out through the open French windows, Shandy, barking in excitement, running along with him.

    他放下电话,将椅背上的外套拿在手里,从敞开的落地窗那里跑了出去。 姗蒂一边大声叫吠一边紧紧跟着他跑。

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