balsamic 英 [bɒl'sæmɪk]   美 [bɔl'sæmɪk]


balsamic  英 [bɒl'sæmɪk] 美 [bɔl'sæmɪk]

adj. 香胶或香脂的;如香油的;有镇静作用的 

In a small bowl mix two tablespoons white balsamic vinegar, a teaspoon chopped garlic and an eighth of a teaspoon cayenne pepper. 在一个小碗里放两大汤匙白醋,一茶匙剁碎的大蒜和八分之一茶匙的辣椒粉,搅拌。
While traditional preparation involves crushed chillies, ginger and garlic, ZEZ chars its octopus and serves it with smoked eggplant drizzled with a white balsamic vinaigrette. 传统的调料剂包括辣椒粉,姜粉和大蒜粉。 ZEZ会把章鱼烤焦,并配着烟熏的洒有白香料醋茄子提供给顾客。

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  • adj. 香胶或香脂的;如香油的;有镇静作用的
  • 1. In a small bowl mix two tablespoons white balsamic vinegar, a teaspoon chopped garlic and an eighth of a teaspoon cayenne pepper.


  • 2. While traditional preparation involves crushed chillies, ginger and garlic, ZEZ chars its octopus and serves it with smoked eggplant drizzled with a white balsamic vinaigrette.

    传统的调料剂包括辣椒粉,姜粉和大蒜粉。 ZEZ会把章鱼烤焦,并配着烟熏的洒有白香料醋茄子提供给顾客。

  • 3. For dinner, we might go Italian, starting with a green salad and fat free balsamic vinaigrette, angel hair pasta smothered in tomato, basil, and mushroom sauce and steamed asparagus on the side.


  • balsamic (adj.) c. 1600, "health-giving," from balsam + -ic. From 1640s as "pertaining to balsam," 1670s as "yielding balsam," 1714 as "aromatic, fragrant." Balsamic vinegar is by 1849.
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