ball 英 [bɔ:l]   美 [bɔl]


ball  英 [bɔ:l] 美 [bɔl]

n.   vi. 成球状 

进行时:balling  过去式:balled  过去分词:balled  第三人称单数:balls  名词复数:balls 

a golf/tennis ball 高尔夫球;网球
a huge ball of fire  一个巨大的火球

  • Always round, often bouncy, a ball is a vital part of many games and sports, from soccer to four square to ping pong.
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  • n.
  • vi. 成球状
  • 1. a golf/tennis ball


  • 2. a huge ball of fire


  • 3. Her hands balled into fists.


  • ball (n.1) "round object, compact spherical body," also "a ball used in a game," c. 1200, probably from an unrecorded Old English *beal, *beall (evidenced by the diminutive bealluc "testicle"), or from cognate Old Norse bollr "ball," from Proto-Germanic *balluz (source also of Dutch bal, Flemish bal, Old High German ballo, German Ball), from PIE root *bhel- (2) "to blow, swell."
  • ball (n.2) "dancing party, social assembly for dancing," 1630s, from French, from Old French baller "to dance," from Late Latin ballare "to dance," from Greek ballizein "to dance, jump about," literally "to throw one's body" (ancient Greek dancing being highly athletic), from PIE root *gwele- "to throw, reach." Extended meaning "very enjoyable time" is American English slang from 1945, perhaps 1930s in African-American vernacular.
  • ball (v.) 1650s, "make into a ball," from ball (n.1). Intransitive sense of "become like a ball, form a compact cluster" is from 1713; that of "to copulate" is first recorded 1940s in jazz slang, either from the noun sense of "testicle" or "enjoyable time" (from ball (n.2)). Related: Balled; balling.
ball / bɔːl ; NAmE bɔːl / noun , verb ball balls balled balling noun 1 a round object used for throwing, hitting or kicking in games and sports a golf/tennis/cricket ball 高尔夫球;网球;板球 Bounce the ball and try and hit it over the net. 让球反弹起来,然后试把它打过网。 2 a round object or a thing that has been formed into a round shape 球状物 The sun was a huge ball of fire low on the horizon. 落在地平线上的太阳像个大火球。 a ball of string 一团线 Some animals roll themselves into a ball for protection. 有些动物会蜷缩成一团来保护自己。 3 a kick, hit or throw of the ball in some sports 踢出(或击出、投出)的一球 He sent over a high ball. 他投了一个高球。 4 (in baseball 棒球 ) a throw by the pitcherthat is outside the strike zone (= the area between the batter'supper arms and knees) (投手投出的)坏球 5 ~ of the foot/hand the part underneath the big toe or the thumb 大脚趾球;拇指球;鱼际;跖球 6 [usually plural ] ( taboo, informal) a testicle 睾丸 see also balls n.  (4 ) 7 a large formal party with dancing (大型正式的)舞会 IDIOMS a ˌball and ˈchain ( BrE) a problem that prevents you from doing what you would like to do 羁绊;障碍 the ball is in your/sb's ˈcourt it is your/sb's responsibility to take action next (球已经丢给你了)下一步就看你的了 They've offered me the job, so the ball's in my court now. 他们已答应把那份工作给我,下一步就看我怎么办了。 a ˌball of ˈfire ( informal) a person who is full of energy and enthusiasm 充满活力和热情的人;生龙活虎的人;朝气蓬勃的人 get/set/start/keep the ball ˈrolling to make sth start happening; to make sure that sth continues to happen 开始某事;继续某事 have a ˈball ( informal) to enjoy yourself a lot 狂欢;玩得痛快 have something/a lot on the ˈball ( US) ( informal) to be capable of doing a job very well; to be intelligent 有能耐;有才智 (be) on the ˈball to be aware of and understand what is happening and able to react quickly 敏锐;机警 The new publicity manager is really on the ball. 新任宣传部经理的确精明干练。 pick up/take the ˌball and ˈrun with it ( especially NAmE) to develop an idea or plan that already exists 采纳(想法)并发扬光大;接手并发展(计划) It's up to the private sector to take the ball and run with it. 该轮到私营部门接手并发展它了。 play ˈball (with sb) 1 ( NAmE) to play with a ball 玩球;耍球 Chris was in the park playing ball with the kids. 克里斯在公园里和孩子们一起玩球。 2 ( informal) to be willing to work with other people in a helpful way, especially so that sb can get what they want (和某人)合作 the whole ball of ˈwax ( NAmE) ( informal) the whole thing; everything 整个;全部;一切 I panicked, I cried—the whole ball of wax. 我惊慌失措,我大喊大叫,所有的反应都做齐了。 more at carry , drop v. , eye n. verb 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to form sth or be formed into the shape of a ball 做成球状;使成团块 ball(into sth) Her hands balled into fists. 她双手攥拳。 ballsth (into sth) My hands were balled into fists. 我双手攥成拳头。 2 [transitive ] ballsb ( NAmE) ( taboo, slang) (of a man 男性 ) to have sex with a woman 和(女性)交媾 ball / bɔːl ; NAmE bɔːl /
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