bald eagle 英 [bɔ:ld ˈi:ɡl]   美 [bɔld ˈiɡəl]

bald eagle

bald eagle  英 [bɔ:ld ˈi:ɡl] 美 [bɔld ˈiɡəl]

phrase. (美)秃鹰(美国的国鸟);比喻秃头的政治家 

名词复数:bald eagles 

This bald eagle named Beauty was fitted with a remarkably life-like prosthetic beak. 这只名为“丽人”的秃鹰装了一个几乎能以假乱真的义喙。
The music is usually a mix of ‘70s and ‘80s classics, spun by DJ bald eagle, a resident spinner at Smart Bar and Darkroom. 音乐通常都是70和80年代的经典歌曲串烧,由DJ秃鹰混音,他是醒目酒吧和黑匣子酒吧常驻的混音师。

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  • phrase. (美)秃鹰(美国的国鸟);比喻秃头的政治家
  • 1. This bald eagle named Beauty was fitted with a remarkably life-like prosthetic beak.


  • 2. The music is usually a mix of ‘70s and ‘80s classics, spun by DJ bald eagle, a resident spinner at Smart Bar and Darkroom.


  • 3. "There's Baldy, " he said, pointing to a bald eagle circling low, keeping an eye on the rack, looking to snag any fish before Turner did.

    他指着盘旋下来的一只秃鹰。 秃鹰一直盯着木架,指望在特纳赶到之前抓住所有的鱼。

ˌbald ˈeagle / ; NAmE / noun a N American bird of prey (= a bird that kills other creatures for food)with a white head and white tail feathers. It is used as a symbol of the US. 白头雕,白头鹫(北美食肉猛禽,头尾羽毛呈白色,是美国的象征) ˌbald ˈeagle / ; NAmE /
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