baking tray 英 [ˈbeikiŋ trei]   美 [ˈbekɪŋ tre]

baking tray

baking tray  英 [ˈbeikiŋ trei] 美 [ˈbekɪŋ tre]

phrase. 烤盘 

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line a baking tray with non-stick tin foil. 烤箱预热至325度,烤盘扑上一层锡箔纸。
Her old baking tray was so small that she had to cut off the end of the ham to fit it inside! 她说她拿来用来盛火腿的烘烤用的托盘太小了,所以她只好把火腿的末端给切掉才能正好装得下。

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  • phrase. 烤盘
  • 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line a baking tray with non-stick tin foil.


  • 2. Her old baking tray was so small that she had to cut off the end of the ham to fit it inside!


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