badly 英 [ˈbædli]   美 [ˈbædli]


badly  英 [ˈbædli] 美 [ˈbædli]

adv. 非常,很;严重地,厉害地;恶劣地 

The car jolted badly over the rough road. 汽车在崎岖的道路上颠得很厉害。
The last job rejection disappointed me badly. 最后求职遭拒绝令我很失望。

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  • adv. 非常,很;严重地,厉害地;恶劣地
  • 1. The car jolted badly over the rough road.


  • 2. The last job rejection disappointed me badly.


  • 3. The surface of the table was badly marred up.


  • badly (adv.) c. 1300, "unluckily;" late 14c., "wickedly, evilly; poorly, inadequately," from bad (adj.) + -ly (2). By 1814 as "incorrectly;" meaning "very much" is by 1849, American English.
badly / ˈbædli ; NAmE ˈbædli / adverb ( worse , worst ) 1 not skilfully or not carefully 拙劣地;差;不认真仔细 to play/sing badly 表演╱唱得不好 badly designed/organized 设计╱组织得很差 OPP well 2 not successfully 不成功地;受挫 Things have been going badly. 事情进展得不顺利。 I did badly (= was not successful)in my exams. 我考得不好。 OPP well 3 not in an acceptable way 未能令人满意 to behave/sleep badly 表现差;睡得不好 badly paid/treated 报酬低微;受虐待 The kids took the dog's death very badly (= they were very unhappy). 孩子们对狗的死感到很难过。 OPP well 4 in a way that makes people get a bad opinion about sth 给人坏的印象;负面地 The economic crisis reflects badly on the government's policies. 经济危机反映出政府政策不如人意的一面。 She's only trying to help, so don't think badly ofher. 她只是想帮忙,所以别把她想得太坏。 OPP well 5 used to emphasize how much you want, need, etc. sb/sth 很;非常 The building is badly in need ofrepair. 这栋楼急需维修。 They wanted to win so badly. 他们求胜心切。 I miss her badly. 我十分想念她。 6 used to emphasize how serious a situation or an event is 严重地;厉害地 badly damaged/injured/hurt 损坏╱伤势╱伤害严重 The country has been badly affected by recession. 该国受到经济衰退的严重影响。 Everything's gone badly wrong! 一切都糟透了! badly / ˈbædli ; NAmE ˈbædli /
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