backslapping 英 [ˈbækslæpɪŋ]  


backslapping  英 [ˈbækslæpɪŋ]

adj. 过分亲密友好的  v. 拍肩背以示亲热(backslap的变形) 


Maybe we shouldn't expect anything else from an annual backslapping session built around a ridiculous number of advert breaks. 可能我们并不该对一个不过是围绕商业广告而打造的每年颁奖礼期待这么多。
Considering that the G20 meeting culminated in a lot of handshakes and backslapping, the final outcome has exceeded all expectations. 鉴于G20会议达成了诸多共识,最终结果已经超越了一切预期.

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  • adj. 过分亲密友好的
  • v. 拍肩背以示亲热(backslap的变形)
  • 1. Maybe we shouldn't expect anything else from an annual backslapping session built around a ridiculous number of advert breaks.


  • 2. Considering that the G20 meeting culminated in a lot of handshakes and backslapping, the final outcome has exceeded all expectations.


  • 3. Do not do backslapping, elbowing, or other touching that gives the idea of close friendship or intimacy that does not exist.


back·slap·ping / ˈbækslæpɪŋ ; NAmE ˈbækslæpɪŋ / noun [uncountable ] loud and enthusiastic behaviour when people are praising each other for sth good they have done (热情的)互相祝贺,互相打气 back·slap·ping adjective [only before noun ] backslapping tributes 互勉的话 back·slap·ping / ˈbækslæpɪŋ ; NAmE ˈbækslæpɪŋ /
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