awake 英 [əˈweɪk]   美 [əˈwek]


awake  英 [əˈweɪk] 美 [əˈwek]

v. 觉醒;醒来;被唤起  adj. 醒着的 

进行时:awaking  过去式:awoke  过去分词:awoken  第三人称单数:awakes 

to be half awake,to be fully awake 半睡半醒 / 睡意全无
I was still awake when he came to bed. 他就寝时我还没有入睡。

  • When you're awake, you're conscious and aware of your surroundings. When you're not awake, you're asleep. If you are reading this, you are indeed awake.
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  • v. 觉醒;醒来;被唤起
  • adj. 醒着的
  • 1. to be half awake,to be fully awake

    半睡半醒 / 睡意全无

  • 2. I was still awake when he came to bed.


  • 3. I was finding it hard to stay awake.


  • 4. I awoke from a deep sleep.


  • 5. He awoke to find her gone.


  • 6. Her voice awoke the sleeping child.


  • awake (adj.) "not asleep, roused from sleep," c. 1300, shortened from awaken, original past participle of Old English awæcnan (see awaken). Figurative use by 1610s.
  • awake (v.) "cease to sleep, come out of sleep," a merger of two Middle English verbs: 1. awaken, from Old English awæcnan (earlier onwæcnan; strong, past tense awoc, past participle awacen) "to awake, arise, originate," from a "on" + wacan "to arise, become awake;" and 2. awakien, from Old English awacian (weak, past participle awacode) "to awaken, revive; arise; originate, spring from," from a "on" + wacian "to be awake, remain awake, watch." For the first element, see a (1); the second element in both is from PIE root *weg- "to be strong, be lively."
awake / əˈweɪk ; NAmE əˈweɪk / adjective , verb awake awakes awoke awaking awoken adjective [not before noun ] not asleep (especially immediately before or after sleeping) 醒着(尤指入睡前或刚醒时) to be half/fully awake 半睡半醒;睡意全无 to be wide awake (= fully awake) 毫无睡意 I was still awake when he came to bed. 他就寝时我还没有入睡。 The noise was keepingeveryone awake. 喧闹声吵得大家都睡不着。 I was finding it hard to stay awake. 我已困得难熬。 He lies awakeat night worrying about his job. 他担心他的工作,夜晚躺在床上睡不着。 She was awake (= not unconscious)during the operation on her leg. 给她的腿动手术时她一直醒着。 verb ( awoke / əˈwəʊk ; NAmE əˈwoʊk / , awoken / əˈwəʊkən ; NAmE əˈwoʊkən / ) ( formal) 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to wake up; to make sb wake up (使)醒来 awake(sb) (from/to sth) I awoke from a deep sleep. 我从沉睡中醒来。 awaketo do sth He awoke to find her gone. 他醒来发现她已经走了。 awakesb Her voice awoke the sleeping child. 她的声音惊醒了睡着的小孩。 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] awake(sth) if an emotion awakesor sth awakesan emotion, you start to feel that emotion 唤起;被唤起 His speech is bound to awake old fears and hostilities. 他的发言必然要激起昔日的恐惧和敌对情绪。 PHRASAL VERB aˈwake to sth to become aware of sth and its possible effects or results 察觉到;意识到;醒悟到 It took her some time to awake to the dangers of her situation. 过了一些时间她才意识到她处境的危险。 compare wake WHICH WORD? 词语辨析 awake / awaken / wake up / waken Wake (up)is the most common of these verbs. It can mean somebody has finished sleeping 上述动词中 wake (up) 最通用,可表示睡醒: What time do you usually wake up? 你通常什么时候醒来? or that somebody or something has disturbed your sleep. 亦指弄醒、唤醒: The children woke me up. 孩子们把我吵醒了。 I was woken (up) by the telephone. 电话铃声把我吵醒了。 The verb awakeis usually only used in writing and in the past tense awoke. 动词 awake 通常只用于书面语的过去时 awoke: She awoke to a day of brilliant sunshine. 她醒来时是阳光灿烂的一天。 Wakenand awakenare much more formal. Awakenis used especially in literature. *waken 和 awaken 要正式得多。awaken 尤用于文学作品: The Prince awakened Sleeping Beauty with a kiss. 王子的吻唤醒了睡美人。 Awakeis also an adjective. *awake 亦作形容词: I was awake half the night worrying. 我忧心忡忡,半宿不能成眠。 Is the baby awake yet? 宝宝醒来了吗? Wakingis not used in this way. *waking 不能这样用。 Look also at asleepand the verb sleep awake / əˈweɪk ; NAmE əˈweɪk / awoke / əˈwəʊk ; NAmE əˈwoʊk / awoken / əˈwəʊkən ; NAmE əˈwoʊkən /
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