aversive [ə'və:siv]  


aversive  [ə'və:siv]

adj. 反感的;嫌恶的 

In aversive fantasies, she thinks: "I'm being forced and I hate it. 在让人厌恶的幻想中,她想象:“我正在被强迫,我讨厌它。”
And so that desire might be weakened by aversive visceral factors, like pain. 因此,那种欲望肯能会因嫌恶的内在因素而减弱,像痛苦。

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  • adj. 反感的;嫌恶的
  • 1. In aversive fantasies, she thinks: "I'm being forced and I hate it.


  • 2. And so that desire might be weakened by aversive visceral factors, like pain.


  • 3. Mixing the aversive with the appetitive sends conflicting information to the brain, and confusion is what the senses are trying to avoid as they supply you with useful, lifesaving information.


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