authoritatively [ɔ:'θɔ:rə,teitivli]  


authoritatively  [ɔ:'θɔ:rə,teitivli]

adv. 权威地;命令式地;可信地 

During the spy war it was impossible to write authoritatively about it. 在间谍战如火如荼的时候,不可能写出关于它的权威著作。
In particular, to formalize an existing glossary, concept, or reference topic that authoritatively defines a subject, you can add the specialized section. 具体来说,要规范化现有的对主题有权威定义的术语表、概念或参考题目,可以添加进这段特殊小节。

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  • adv. 权威地;命令式地;可信地
  • 1. During the spy war it was impossible to write authoritatively about it.


  • 2. In particular, to formalize an existing glossary, concept, or reference topic that authoritatively defines a subject, you can add the specialized section.


  • 3. Then you very calmly, yet authoritatively say "Stop."


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