authentically   美 [ɔ'θɛntɪkli]


authentically  美 [ɔ'θɛntɪkli]

adv. 真正地,确实地;可靠地 

In fact, we can only love others authentically when we love ourselves. 事实上,只有当我们在爱自己时,我们才能真正地爱他人。
Because in the effort to be distanced from being what you don’t want to become, you fail to become authentically you. 因为在努力远离你不喜欢自己变成的样子的同时,你也失败的成为真正的自己。

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  • adv. 真正地,确实地;可靠地
  • 1. In fact, we can only love others authentically when we love ourselves.


  • 2. Because in the effort to be distanced from being what you don’t want to become, you fail to become authentically you.


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