asunder 英 [əˈsʌndə(r)]   美 [əˈsʌndɚ]


asunder  英 [əˈsʌndə(r)] 美 [əˈsʌndɚ]

adv. 化为碎片地;分离地  adj. 分成碎片的;分离的 

Divided there is little we can do, for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split us asunder. 我们如果分歧对立,就会一事无成--因为我们不敢在争吵不休、四分五裂时迎接强大的挑战。
Since 1989, when the party split at the top and almost came asunder, the cardinal rule has been no public divisions in the Politburo. 1989年,当时档的高层分裂,档几乎分崩离析,自那开始,政治局在档的基本原则上从未出现公开的分歧。

  • Asunder is an adverb that means “into separate pieces.” So if you’ve torn your ex's love letter asunder, you’ve forcefully ripped it into separate pieces — and rightly so.
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  • adv. 化为碎片地;分离地
  • adj. 分成碎片的;分离的
  • 1. Divided there is little we can do, for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split us asunder.


  • 2. Since 1989, when the party split at the top and almost came asunder, the cardinal rule has been no public divisions in the Politburo.


  • 3. The Princess Bride starts off as a story a grandfather reads to his sick grandson. The story is about the love between a princess and a farm boy, how these two are torn asunder, and then reunited.


  • asunder (adv.) "into a position apart, separate, into separate parts," mid-12c., contraction of Old English on sundran (see a- (1) + sunder). Middle English used to know asunder for "distinguish, tell apart."
asun·der / əˈsʌndə(r) ; NAmE əˈsʌndər / adverb ( old-fashioned or literary) into pieces; apart 碎;散 families rent/torn asunderby the revolution 这场革命所拆散的家庭 asun·der / əˈsʌndə(r) ; NAmE əˈsʌndər /
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