- Someone who is astute is clever and has good judgment. The kid running around with a bucket stuck on his head? Not so astute.
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- adj. 机敏的;狡猾的,诡计多端的
1. The astute or the mathematicians will realize that what will happen here?
2. Hammond said that the NAO was wrong to state that the overspend could have paid for an eighth astute submarine, but admitted the MoD still had much to do to give taxpayers value for money.
3. Yet Summers, one of the world’s most astute economists, later abandoned these positions in favor of Greenspan’s view that markets will take care of themselves.
- astute (adj.) "keen in discernment and careful of one's self-interest," 1610s, from Latin astutus "crafty, wary, shrewd; sagacious, expert," from astus "cunning, cleverness, adroitness," which is of uncertain origin. The Romans considered it to be from Greek asty "town," borrowed into Latin and implying city sophistication (see asteism). Related: Astutely; astuteness.
as·tute / əˈstjuːt ; NAmE əˈstuːt / adjective very clever and quick at seeing what to do in a particular situation, especially how to get an advantage 精明的;狡猾的 SYN shrewd ◆ an astute businessman/politician/observer 精明的商人;狡猾的政客;敏锐的观察家 ◆ It was an astute move to sell the shares then. 那时出售股份是精明之举。 ▶ as·tute·ly / əˈstjuːtli ; NAmE əˈstuːtli / adverb as·tute·ness / əˈstjuːtnəs ; NAmE əˈstuːtnəs / noun [uncountable ] as·tute / əˈstjuːt ; NAmE əˈstuːt / as·tute·ly / əˈstjuːtli ; NAmE əˈstuːtli / as·tute·ness / əˈstjuːtnəs ; NAmE əˈstuːtnəs /
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