astonishingly [ə'stɔniʃiŋli]  


astonishingly  [ə'stɔniʃiŋli]

adv. 令人惊讶地 

This is an astonishingly strong effect – and utterly counter to mainstream economic theory. 这是一个令人震惊的结果,与主流经济理论完全相悖。
astonishingly, although the brain is still alert, meditation lessens the emotional reaction to pain. It’s like turning down the volume. 令人惊讶的是,虽然大脑仍然是警觉的,冥想状态减轻了对疼痛的反应,就好象降低了音量。

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  • adv. 令人惊讶地
  • 1. This is an astonishingly strong effect – and utterly counter to mainstream economic theory.


  • 2. astonishingly, although the brain is still alert, meditation lessens the emotional reaction to pain. It’s like turning down the volume.


  • 3. Despite his astonishingly rapid recovery his family are besieged by anxiety as he prepares to return next year to the grid.


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