ascendance [ə'sɛndəns]  


ascendance  [ə'sɛndəns]

n. 优势;权势;支配地位(等于ascendence或者ascendancy) 


Former Treasury Secretary Rubin vaguely warned that China's ascendance may backfire in the not-too-distant future. 前财政部长鲁宾隐约警告说,在不远的将来,中国的优势可能受挫。
Although China is often said to lack "soft power", many of its ideas on economics and governance are coming into ascendance. 尽管中国一向被认为缺乏“软实力”,但它在经济和管理上的许多理念却逐渐成为主流。

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  • n. 优势;权势;支配地位(等于ascendence或者ascendancy)
  • 1. Former Treasury Secretary Rubin vaguely warned that China's ascendance may backfire in the not-too-distant future.


  • 2. Although China is often said to lack "soft power", many of its ideas on economics and governance are coming into ascendance.


  • 3. In 1846, after a protracted struggle in Parliament, these Corn Laws were repealed, marking the political ascendance of the new English middle class.

    1846年,议会内经过长期斗争,这些谷物法案终被取消。 该事件标志着英国新兴中产阶级的政治崛起。

  • ascendance (n.) 1742, from ascend + -ance. According to OED, properly "the act of ascending," but used from the start in English as a synonym of ascendancy.
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