artfully 美['ɑrtfəli]  


artfully  美['ɑrtfəli]

adv. 巧妙地;狡诈地 

Mal’akh had played his cards artfully within the Capitol Building, showing obeisance to all the ancient etiquettes. 马拉克在国会大厦中巧妙地玩了他的把戏,以此对所有古老的礼仪表示了尊敬。
When a hotel stages a photo with everyday items – a laptop, say – it's not hard to forgive. But this artfully staged photo of a terrace goes beyond the realm of probability. 如果酒店制作有日常用品——比方说一台笔记本电脑——的照片,这个不难原谅,但是这张巧妙制作的阳台照片就超出可能的范畴了。

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  • adv. 巧妙地;狡诈地
  • 1. Mal’akh had played his cards artfully within the Capitol Building, showing obeisance to all the ancient etiquettes.


  • 2. When a hotel stages a photo with everyday items – a laptop, say – it's not hard to forgive. But this artfully staged photo of a terrace goes beyond the realm of probability.


  • 3. Done artfully and wisely, living dangerously engages our intellect, advances society, and even makes us happier.


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