arranged marriage  

arranged marriage

arranged marriage 

phrase. 家庭包办婚姻 

When she was 15, she had an arranged marriage with Mr. Arif but didn't move in with him for another two years because she was so young. 在她15岁那年,她被安排嫁给阿瑞夫,但由于当时她还太年轻,直到两年后才搬去和他同住。
Ayaan Hirsi Ali escaped an arranged marriage in her native Somalia by immigrating to the Netherlands. She now lives in Washington, where she is a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. 阿雅安·希尔西·阿里移民到荷兰以躲避一桩在她的母国索马里被安排的婚姻,现在作为美国企业研究所的一名学者生活在华盛顿。

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  • phrase. 家庭包办婚姻
  • 1. When she was 15, she had an arranged marriage with Mr. Arif but didn't move in with him for another two years because she was so young.


  • 2. Ayaan Hirsi Ali escaped an arranged marriage in her native Somalia by immigrating to the Netherlands. She now lives in Washington, where she is a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.


  • 3. But it was also a bold attack on feudalism and arranged marriage.


arˌranged ˈmarriage / ; NAmE / noun a marriage in which the parents choose the husband or wife for their child 包办婚姻 arˌranged ˈmarriage / ; NAmE /
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