- An arm is a limb on the upper part of a person's body. You can call the front limb of any animal an arm, though they're more often called "legs."
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- n. 手臂
- v. 武装
1. She touched me on the arm.
2. Your arm is bleeding.
3. The country was arming against the enemy.
4. The men armed themselves with sticks and stones.
arm ★ / ɑːm ; NAmE ɑːrm / noun , verb arm arms armed arming noun ★ ☞see also arms part of body 身体部位 1 ★ either of the two long parts that stick out from the top of the body and connect the shoulders to the hands 臂;手臂;上肢 ◆ He escaped with only a broken arm. 他得以逃生,只是断了一只胳膊。 ◆ She threw her arms around his neck. 她张开双臂搂住他的脖子。 ◆ The officer grabbed him by the arm (= grabbed his arm). 警察抓住了他的手臂。 ◆ She touched him gently on the arm. 她轻轻地碰了碰他的胳膊。 ◆ He held the dirty rag at arm's length (= as far away from his body as possible). 他拎着脏抹布,身子离得远远的。 ◆ They walked along arm in arm (= with the arm of one person linked with the arm of the other). 他们臂挽着臂一路走着。 ◆ She cradled the child in her arms. 她怀抱着小孩。 ◆ They fell asleep in each other's arms (= holding each other). 他们互相搂抱着睡着了。 ◆ He was carrying a number of files under his arm (= between his arm and his body). 他腋下挟着一些卷宗。 ◆ He walked in with a tall blonde on his arm (= next to him and holding his arm). 他手挽着一个高个子金发女郎走了进来。 ☞ collocationsat physical of clothing 衣服 2 ★ the part of a piece of clothing that covers the arm 袖子 SYN sleeve of chair 椅子 3 the part of a chair, etc. on which you rest your arms 扶手 of machinery 机器 4 a long narrow part of an object or a piece of machinery, especially one that moves 臂状物(尤指可移动的物体部份或机器部件) ◆ a robotic arm 机械臂 of water/land 水;陆地 5 a long narrow piece of water or land that is joined to a larger area 狭长港湾;(连接较大地区的)狭长地带 ◆ A small bridge spans the arm of the river. 一座小桥横跨河湾。 of organization 组织机构 6 [usually singular ] arm(of sth) a section of a large organization that deals with one particular activity 分部;职能部门 SYN wing ◆ the research arm of the company 公司的科研部门 IDIOMS cost/pay an ˌarm and a ˈleg ( informal) to cost/pay a lot of money (使)花一大笔钱 keep sb at arm's length to avoid having a close relationship with sb 与某人保持距离;不亲近某人 ◆ He keeps all his clients at arm's length. 他不与任何委托人过分亲密。 ☞more at akimbo , babe , bear v. , chance v. , fold v. , long adj. , open adj. , right adj. , shot n. , twist v. verb ★ 1 ★ [intransitive , transitive ] to provide weapons for yourself/sb in order to fight a battle or a war 武装;装备;备战 ◆ The country was arming against the enemy. 这个国家正在备战迎击敌人。 armyourself/sb (with sth) ◆ The men armed themselves with sticks and stones. 这些人以棍棒和石块作为武器。 ◆ ( figurative) She had armed herself for the meeting with all the latest statistics. 为了这次会议,她准备了所有最新统计资料。 ☞see also armed 2 [transitive ] armsth to make a bomb, etc. ready to explode 使(炸弹等)随时爆炸 ☞compare disarm arm / ɑːm ; NAmE ɑːrm /
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