archangel 英 [ˈɑ:keɪndʒl]   美 [ˈɑrkeɪndʒl]


archangel  英 [ˈɑ:keɪndʒl] 美 [ˈɑrkeɪndʒl]

n. 大天使;天使长;第八级天使 


I Am archangel Michael, The Creator’s Messenger, of Love, Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace and Grace. 我是大天使麦克,造物主传达爱、快乐、智慧、光、平和和慈悲的信使。
“We want to get the biggest, best genetic representations of the species, ” said David Milarch, a founder of the archangel Ancient Tree Archive. “我们希望能获得红杉中最大且最佳的遗传代表,”天使长古树档案组织的共同创立者大卫·米拉奇说。

  • In religious writing, an archangel is the most important angel of all, sometimes described as ranking above the regular angels.
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  • n. 大天使;天使长;第八级天使
  • 1. I Am archangel Michael, The Creator’s Messenger, of Love, Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace and Grace.


  • 2. “We want to get the biggest, best genetic representations of the species, ” said David Milarch, a founder of the archangel Ancient Tree Archive.


  • 3. In the last few months, ever since the initiation of the Ninth Wave of the Mayan Calendar, archangel Michael has been speaking about the concept of becoming a "Master of Time".


  • archangel (n.) "an angel of the highest order," late 12c., from Old French archangel (12c.) or directly from Late Latin archangelus, from New Testament Greek arkhangelos "chief angel," from arkh- "chief, first" (see archon) + angelos (see angel). Replaced Old English heah encgel.
arch·an·gel / ˈɑːkeɪndʒl ; NAmE ˈɑːrkeɪndʒl / noun an angelof the highest rank 总领天使;天使长 the Archangel Gabriel 总领天使加俾额尔 archangel archangels arch·an·gel / ˈɑːkeɪndʒl ; NAmE ˈɑːrkeɪndʒl /
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